Eleventh Edition…


Starting from 9th – 13th June 2024, DEA OPEN AIR International Film Festival will launch its eleventh edition. Even this time in the capital!


After five successful years in Saranda, DEA is coming this year for the sixth time to Tirana to share the European film and professional expertise with the public, students and filmmakers of the capital city!

DEA remains an OPEN AIR Festival this year as well.


The evening program of the main competition of the festival, the Feature Film Program will be offered at the DEA OPEN AIR 1 Cinema – in the Amphitheater of the University of Arts.


The official Opening Ceremony as well as the eleventh Gala Evening of the Awards of DEA OPEN AIR International Film Festival Tirana 2024 will be organized at the DEA OPEN AIR Cinema 1 – in the Amphitheater of the University of Arts.


The evening program of the main competition, the Feature Film Program as well as the Documentary Film Program, the Short Film Program and the Student Film Program will be offered at the DEA OPEN AIR Cinema 2 – AGIMI Cinema Hall, while the Cine KO program, with a focus on Kosovo cinema, will be offered at COD (Center for Openness and Dialogue).

All participants have applied either on the Film Freeway and Fest home platforms or directly to the Festival address.


The applicants have been submitted in the competition, coming not only from European countries, have given intercontinental geography to the applications.


The Films to be introduced and winners participating in the competition have undergone preliminary selection of international Committees, closed at the end of March.

In the competition for the DEA Awards, the preliminary selection commissions have decided to include in this year’s program a total of 39 films from 25 countries of the world, of which 6 in the Feature Film Section or the main competition, 19 in the Short Film Section, 11 in the Student Film Section and 3 in the Cine KO program, with a focus on the Kosovo cinema.

The Eleventh Edition of the International Film Festival DEA OPEN AIR takes place with the support of the Municipality of Tirana, the National Center of Cinematography, the Ministry of Economy, Culture and Innovation of the Republic of Albania, the Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sports of the Republic of Kosovo and the University of Arts, who create the necessary welcoming atmosphere for artistic flows and civic contributions from around the world.


Cinema specialists, directors of several European film festivals, actors, directors, producers, but also industry representatives, critics, researchers and invited journalists, give the activity the liveliness and multidimensional communication that cinema always promises and delivers.


Press Office


15 - 19 October 2021

Based in: Tirana, Albania

The cinema is trying to overcome a serious crisis …
This time a global crisis …
This is not the first cinema crisis …
It is not even its first global crisis …

But in contrast to its previous crises – outside it or partially inside it, this
crisis threatened and still threatens the motive of the existence of cinema
in modern times …,
the desire to consume the film together…

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